Navigating Emotional Eating and Self-Care During Challenging Times

Oct 24, 2023

We've all been navigating a tumultuous journey in these past two weeks. The news and our social media feeds have bombarded us with some of the most distressing images we've seen in our lifetime. It's hard to put into words how we feel, and every day seems to bring a new layer of heartbreak.

Emotional Eating: A Common Reaction to Stress

I must admit, my own thoughts were quite clouded this weekend, leaving me uncertain about what to share in this week's newsletter. It was then that a client of mine came to the rescue with a message that struck a chord: "How does anyone focus on anything these days without emotional eating their way through the heartbreak?" I realized this was a valid concern, as I, too, found myself using food to cope with my emotions recently.

Putting on Your "Big Girl Pants"

So, I decided to put on my "big girl pants" and compile some of my best tips for managing emotional eating during challenging times. Let's dive right in:

1. Stay Active 

One of the most effective ways to release built-up emotions is by moving your body. Whether it's boxing, kickboxing, yoga, strength training, or spinning, physical activity can help you channel and release negative energy.

2. Keep Busy 

Having a busy schedule can help you avoid mindlessly scrolling through social media and seeking solace in unhealthy comfort foods. Engaging in work and spending quality time with friends can provide a much-needed distraction, helping you regulate your emotions.

3. Meal Prep

Planning your meals in advance not only aids in managing a busy schedule but also reduces emotional eating. It eliminates the guesswork from your day, ensuring you have a well-thought-out meal ready when emotions strike. On days when you can't prepare your own meal, have a list of nearby healthy dining options to make better choices.

4. Tomorrow's a New Day!

Remember that we all have moments of weakness. If you find yourself overindulging, don't beat yourself up. It's okay. Start fresh with your next meal or the next day. One "not great" choice doesn't define your overall progress.

Self-Care in Troubled Times

I hope you find these tips helpful! Managing emotions and staying focused during these challenging times can be a daunting task. It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed, stressed, scared, powerless, angry, sad, and everything in between. But it's crucial to remember that taking care of yourself doesn't mean caring less about others or offering less support. You need to replenish your mind, body, and soul, even if you're just bearing witness, advocating for change, or protesting. Burning out and running on empty won't serve anyone.

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