Popcorn: Your New Healthy Snack Buddy

fitness healthy snack nutrition popcorn Nov 06, 2023

A client of mine messaged me this week, asking why her weight on the scale increased after she had some theater popcorn over the weekend. She had been diligently following her meal plan throughout the week, which usually helps her in her weight loss journey. The thing is, I can relate to a similar experience. We've all heard that popcorn is supposed to be a healthy snack, so what's the deal?


Truth is, it is mostly healthy! But let’s dive into the details...


We say popcorn is healthy for these reasons:

  • It's a Whole Grain: The recommendation is to eat more whole grains because it helps against heart disease & diabetes. So YAY!

  • High in Fiber: Popcorn contains more fiber per serving than whole wheat bread #awesome. Fiber helps control blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight management. It's also great for your gut!

  • Keeps You Feeling Full: It's a high-volume food - meaning, you can have a big quantity and the calories are low. One cup of plain, air-popped popcorn contains about 30-45 calories.

  • Rich in Antioxidants: It contains polyphenols, a type of antioxidant that fights stress in the body. 

  • Loaded with Vitamins and Minerals: Mainly as calcium, iron, magnesium!



Does this apply to movie-theater popcorn?

Not really (it's sad, I know). Movie theater popcorn can have 400 to 1,200 calories, depending on the size, toppings etc. This is because of the high amount of oil and butter that they use. 

The popcorn is also SO high in salt 🧂 - like your day's worth of salt 🥲 which is the main reason the number on the scale jumps the next day. This is due to water retention. If you hydrate really well throughout the night + over the next few days, you'll be just fine! 


How to Enjoy Popcorn Healthily:

  • Air-Popped is Best: Air-popped popcorn, prepared with minimal oil or butter, is the healthiest way to go.

  • Choose Healthy Oils: If you're making it at home, use healthy fats like avocado or  olive oil. And if you can't resist butter, measure the quantity. There's always space for fun things in my book!

  • Keep an Eye on Labels: When choosing microwave popcorn, compare a few options and check the nutrition label to make the best choice. 

Can You Overdo Popcorn?

Technically, you can overindulge in anything, but it's tough with popcorn. Its light, fluffy nature fills you up quickly. Just be mindful of toppings that can quickly up the calorie count, and if you're watching your sodium intake, go easy on the salt.


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